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NEW – Soviet Naval and NKVD Infantry

This release sees the introduction of some new infantry options for the Soviets. We have often been asked about NKVD troops and here they are along with Naval troops! NKVD SMG Squad / Rifle Squad The NKVD (or “People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs”) was an internal politicised police force in the Soviet Union from 1934…

NEW – Eastern Front Germans

This release is the start of a line of Eastern Front German designed by the amazing Just Some Miniatures, and to say they’re something awesome is not an exaggeration! It’s been incredibly difficult prying these excellent models from Martin’s hands long enough to photograph them all Starting with the German invasion of the Soviet Union…

NEW – US Halftracks

In this release we are rounding out our selection of halftracks for US forces. In this bundle of 8 vehicles, half are new releases and half are updates to older models. As well as the standard transport variants with the M2 and M3, we also have howitzer support from the T12, T19 and T30, anti-aircraft…

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